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Being a 'Green' Sport

Racing of all types impacts the environment, at the American Young Guns Championship we are committed to making our Grand Prix racers the cleanest bikes in racing.
We believe Prototype racers are the purest form of motorsports, that is why we chose the traditional approach to grand prix motorcycle racing: lightweight, powerful and now...clean. Our 125GP bikes use the latest in fuel injection and electronics to insure they make the most power while using the least amount of fuel.


But we're not stopping there. We are making plans to adopt special 'clean-burn' biomass fuel for our racers during practice, qualifying and race activities.  Advances in biomass fuel research shows substantial power generation capability with reduced hydrocarbon emissions over traditional fossil fuels. The Result: an anticipated 50% reduction in overall exhaust emissions from our race bikes while retaining engine power levels.

We will continue this innovation by making these technologies available to manufacturers, engineers and teams that want to harness the same developments as we do in the Young Guns Championship. If interested, please contact us for more information.

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